Learn how to build professional durability like a well-maintained leather jacket. Discover practical strategies for managing energy, reducing decision fatigue, and closing open loops in your work. Transform from sporadic performance to consistent excellence using time-tested craftsperson principles adapted for modern knowledge work.
Read moreHidden Language of Job Posts
Learn to decode job postings like a skilled craftsperson examines their materials. This guide teaches you to spot red flags, identify genuine opportunities, and read between the lines of modern job descriptions. Master practical techniques for analyzing job postings and make more informed career decisions with our craftsperson's approach to job hunting.
Read moreWhat Lumber Grades can Teach us about our Day Job
Discover how to evaluate your job quality using time-tested principles from woodworking. Like lumber grades that determine a board's best use, understanding your job's grade helps you make strategic career decisions. Learn the characteristics of different job grades, when to stay in a lower-grade position for strategic reasons, and how to recognize when it's time to seek better opportunities. Perfect for professionals looking to thoughtfully evaluate their current position and make informed career moves.
Read moreFinding Craftsmanship in the Digital Age
Can digital work bring the same satisfaction as traditional craftsmanship? Explore how modern professionals find meaning and mastery in an age of pixels and data.
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