Ep. 3 - Earning the Trust to Improvise
Today we’re talking about the importance of improvisation in your career, how it interfaces with trust, and how to position yourself to use your creativity. My guest is Phil Lofton – he’s an author and musician, whose band - Public Universal Friend - just released their second album, Chrysalis. He’s also a researcher in Patient Experience with a healthtech organization. If you’re seeking more creativity, or trying to build autonomy, or trying to balance the 9 to 5 with artistic pursuits – this conversation is for you.
Show Notes:
Porch Light Collective: https://medium.com/porch-light-collective
Public Universal Friend: https://publicuniversalfriend.band/
Søren Kierkegaard - “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards”
Toni Morrison - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toni_Morrison
Nick Cave - https://www.nickcave.com/
(Coming Soon)